Monday, December 21, 2009
Point of Burden
The burden become more and more as well as stress..
Today i though would be a happy day for me...due to he come back
but end up terrible bad day for me..
Culturing 2 cell lines (Liver cancer cell and Gastric disease carcinoma cell) burden me a lot and bring more stress and tiredness ..
Public holiday and weekend are not rest day for me anymore.
I celebrate my holiday with my cells at lab..
Actually i m quite enjoy doing lab work during public holiday and weekend instead of week day.
The queitness and less people environment let me feel much more relax..
However, public holiday and weekend, there are less transport to and from school..
It brings inconvenient for me..
What to do? I have not my own transport.
That is a point of BURDEN.
Another point of burden is HIM.
I hope i could finish up for culturing 1 cell line (liver cancer cell). But public holiday and festival season now stop me from doing so..
I want to go lab during public holiday and i need him..
but he is always MIA.
What to do?
Struggling for 2 or 3 days..
I dont know what can i do.
I try to do not accept any invitation but it bring danger for me..
Because i need to go and back alone by public transport in so-called danger area..
I HATE!!!!
HepG2 cancer cell line morphology~ (Liver cancer cell)~
*The shining membrane cell is healthy cell.~^^
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I got a new cell line last 2 days. I checked the cell line characteristic through ATCC website and found out it is suspension cell line. Mean that i do no need to use Phosphate Buffer Sulfate (PBS) to wash the cell line and typsin to typsinize the cell when i subculture.
How I know, today my senior told me, although the cell line is suspension but it has anchorage cell line characteristic . (Har..!!)..Because last few sem, FYP senior cultured that kind of cell line after 1 week and found that there is cell attach at the bottom of flask...
It make me confuse..
The new cell line i need to culture is SNU 1.
It is gastric carcinoma. (Why so gam d?? Last time, i suffered from gastic badly...Now in the control state to prevent gastric come to attack..)
More information about SNU 1 refer to
Hope everything will be fine...Pray hard and harder...!!
Miss day of that~~
This is cheer up day of me...=)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Say NO!
Today I did cell seeding for MTT assay.
1 by 1 incident happen..
It was caused me panic, worry and moodless..
It dont know why my liver cancer cell line is that stubborn.
I trypsinized twice, it was still cant detach.
My conclusion for the cell line is the cell line more confortable to settle down in new flask, so they dont like to detach..(Console myself..)
Faced 1 by 1 incident in the process of cell seeding,I was panic.
No Panic next time please...
*P/s: From beginning of FYP (1st of September), it was my first time i had my lunch at around 2pm..>.<
That time, i was totally surrended.I cant fight with it in order to plate 1 more MTT assay.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Cute but Headache
Hope it hear my pain..Please...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Ulu Langat Waterfall
Where it is? Somewhere in Selangor lor..
Trip to Ulu Langat Waterfall was held by FES teakwando. Haha, I am not Teakwando member seriously i say. Ulu Langat Waterfall is really a beautiful and nice scene. Play fun alot at there and I miss the Natural 滑梯 so much..>.<. So much natural thing i can do, including NATURAL OSIM, Natural SK II (as RQ said)... Nothing I can describe more. Let's picture talk about everything.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Girls vs Boys.
- Her bf tend to join co-curiculum even it is not included in their credit hour since they are year 3 ady. Her bf is member of Askar Wataniah. Thus camping is a thing cant be lacked of and 1 month training before camping is a MUST. Therefore, he need to have hours training everyday. As a result, his result might be influenced. That is what she worry about him and DISLIKE him satisfy his time in co-c rather than study.
Same situation at me here. He like to go to Teakwando training every Tuesday. Last few sem, he went to training every week, in my thought, he was chairman, so that is a responsibility to do so. But now, he resigned his post and still he has a passion go to training every Tuesday, even though some of old committe started to escape from the training. Same worry as my best friend come across. After training and back hime, it is quite late actually plus that time, it is too tired also. So..nothing can be done that time except burn midnight oil..However, tomorrow there is 8 am early MORNING class..
Lesson: Why they like to join co-curiculum so much? For them, co-curiculum can bring them happiness and relax. They also can mix with many friends who have same interest as them. Thus, they can make crazy and joke around.
- Computer games or online games. Haha, some people when he/she see the title, he/she might know what point that i will point it out..Mostly boys they like to play games. Her bf also like to play computer games but not frequent because he knew his gf dont like him to play games. For example, before exam too stress, play games to release tension..
People who is knowing me, they know i also dont like him to play computer games. Really, at first, i hate him do nothing whole day and just play computer games. I am a quite weird girl that dont really like to play computer game. I do play simple computer games like Suduku, Mahjong Titans, FreeCell, Solitaire and etc. Like Stronghold Legands, Travian, WorldCraft and 三国 , i have not idea how to play and got boring about it then quit it. So, i dont really know why they can face the computer whole day just play it.
Lesson: After i asked him many questions regard the computer game, i found that actually from game, they can learn a lot and release tension. I read from newspaper, play online computer game can improve memory because both of our hand is using to play game so both side brain rather than 1 side brain is also worked at the same time.
So.. Activity and computer games are the boys' favourite that is different with girls. That is not truth for all of the boys and girls. Some girl, they like play game as well; while some boy, they dont like play game. But in my friend and my cases, our bf favourite is not same as us.
So what can we do?
[NO WAY ask either 1 change the habits. Only negotiation and understanding each other can overcome the madness and hatred. ]
Lastly, let me present u L4D. That is L4D (Left 4 Dead) which make those guys highly addicted.
Friday, July 31, 2009
I am emo again.
I am emo again.
and I am confused as well.
Previously, i planned back penang this weekend due to next week, there is no test.
My plan suddenly changed because no one can take me when i reached Juru Tol (As you know, my place dont have a bus-station-like-place, so i need to take bus from pudu to Penang island or Butterworth and stop at Juru Tol.)
My dad and my eldest brothers are not at home. They went outstation... :(
p/s: Everyday thing MUST do is check mail. Waiting my FYP supervisor send me the consultation time in order to meet her..
pp/s: The relationship can cause someone to become more burden and headache. The problem come from both side's parents and the couple's feeling.
Friday, July 24, 2009
I hate myself
I hate myself being such CRYBABY.
When i am stress, i tend to cry?!
When i face difficulty, i tend to cry too?!
(Is that a good excuse?? Definitely NO)
I dont want what gene is built inside my body..Cause me being crybaby..
I dont like myself being like this.
It is seem like i am a weak and weak person..
Cant take any risk, any difficulty..
I dont like others treating me so..
Because of crybaby, i cause other people especially my beloved (parents and him) worry..( dont want!!)
I like being any difficulty i can keep it in my inner side but not just cry out in term of tearss..
Because of this characteristic, my ambition is changed and changed..
Last time, i want to be doctor, BUT i scare STRESS.
I want to study ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and other accounting professional study, again, I scare STRESS.
But you will wonder, studying biotechnology is not stress??
Sure, stress of course. (If not, i will not become crybaby in this few year lar)
I choose biotechnology just because i enjoy to do research. That's it.=)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
one month summary
The reason why i ignore my blog (Actually not really ignore, every day come and visit it just click my friends updated blog in the friend list. That's it. ): Mainly Due to RAT (want to know what short form refer to kindly go to visit biotechnology's blog ) =)
Too many want to blog about:
1. Co-curiculum
After 1 year being treasurer of First Aid Society, i really learnt a lot. Although there was not many major events were organized, it was still spent more time on it. Shame to say, i am not the most contributor for those events.
Finally the time came to Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 1st July 2009, treasurer post have to pass on to our next generation. From that moment, our committes were free from struggling and suffering in activities. It is nice. However, that time, i did not really free from it. I had to prepare Expenditure and Income statement. For me, preparing Expenditure and Income Statement, it is not difficulty and time consuming tasks (due to i got the format in hand and did it several time before and kind DSA officer willing to help me). But the statement without IMPORTANT RECEIPT how am i going to complete it within 2 days time after AGM. GOSH! I was really frustrated. Requested receipt for 1 weeks or more, finally i got it. (Thanks for those helping me got the receipt). This week, i got First Aid Society advisor signature, my job was finally done. *Fooohuuu*
2. FYP
Being Final year Biotechnology student , Final Year Project (FYP) cant escape with. Last few weeks, we were requested choose our FYP title. Last week, the candidate of FYP title list was out. I am selected. The reason i choose the title is due to the remark was stated in title: "Have strong interest and passion in natural product research and cell culture technique.". Frankly i say, other people might choose the FYP title based on interested in the particular title or particular lecturer, but i choose the title based on remarks. (haha, something wrong with me hur..)
Hope i can do it.
*Heard from senior: ATC is the most most "interesting " lab in UTAR."Cry...sob"* Pray hard!
*Since both of us choose different title as well as different lecturer for our FYP, free time for us less and less. Seem like no more shopping after this..
He is tortured by his supervisor's master student. Pity~
3. RAT
From week 7, every week, there is 1 test. It havnt included with lab reports and Assignments.
It is like "kill us a bit and a bit"...>.<
Yesterday right after Phytochemistry test, I was falling sick. I got feeling to vomit. In the bus on the way back home, the feeling became stronger and stronger. Nearly, i vomit out. That time if i really vomit out, i dont know how the bus driver is going to kill me. He is super duper hygiene people.Finally i vomitted out after i down from bus. I slept for 3 to 4 hours, then woke up to have dinner. Too bad, while waiting to the food coming, feeling of vomit came again...No choice, we had to tabao. That moment, I was really tortured. No appetite at all. But have to eat some because I suddenly remind doctor told me, if my stomach is empty for too long, feeling of vomit will come to attack me plus i got gastric. The condition become worst. I ate some spaghetti, the feeling come again and again..and my eye was pain..I laid on the bed with suffering cant do anything.. Luckily, he can help me to bancuh oat drink for me. After drinking oat drink, the feeling was better. ^^
Sunday, June 21, 2009
不想太多,只想现在,而你一直是我最想拥有的明天. (这是病患者最想做的一件事)
曾经的我因为胃痛的骚扰而讨厌自己。总觉得自己很没用。常常弄父母担心。小学的我假期,我都会半夜被父母载送去槟城医院, 因为胃痛折磨了我。有时会有结束自己生命的冲动,但到最后那只是想想罢了。
来大都市读书得到了父母和公公的不允许,但还好有哥哥和叔叔们的鼓励。温室里的小花的我最终还是做了这个决定来这里。独自个人在人生地不熟的读书,刚开始很后悔。但来大都市读书时我迟早的事, 慢慢的安抚自己和加上关心我的MC的同房朋友和陪伴的我的朋友。
尽管如此,父母还是担心我,可能我只会投诉我的不适和不高兴。 直到念晓师姑告诉我和我懂了这个道理-〉你不要让父母担心,你就不要担心父母。 我担心可能父母有不高兴,他们都不会告诉子女们。经常打电话问候可让父母减轻了担心。
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Bad day for today.. ;(
Happy day for yesterday. =)
My mind still cant stop thinking at yesterday night yam cha with his good friends.
Another Mr lung (Lung mean "fei" in Chinese) i met.
Thanks anyway. [Hope the Mr. can fulfill his Penang trip's dream..keke..]
Justnow I met her in MSN and I took initiative to greet her.
Luckilly she replied me..
Asked her about my curious regard her guessing.
Got expected reason.
Anyway, I didn't ask more for that.
Her answer is not important for me just fulfill my curiousity.
but I am happy with it
and hope her happy forever with her bf.
* She is my ex-classmate. That day, we were not really good friends but we talked frequently since she sat side with me and was separated by a lorong in class. After AN INCIDENT, we talked less and scared to meet each other. I quite scared of class reunion when back penang. However, after this year reunion, the fear is discarded (Hope so.). Struggling whole night because the fear and luckily get advice and console from him. Seem like stupid lor, suffer due to "old old " case.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Melacca trip before new sem
I hope the second week could be much more better with no changes class or exchange class.
Back to my holiday. (Got a bit late to post it)
I spent my day before new sem start in Melacca trip. It was 4 days 3 nights trips. 2 nights stayed at Aldy Hotel (upstair of Bamboo hunt or near 红屋). The trip was accompanied with my second elder brother and his gf. Seem like i became light bulb..haha..
The trip's schedule was organized by my elder brother's gf.
First day (28.05.09; Thursday)
- Started journey from Penang at 9am and reached Melacca at around 5pm. Dont get shock..The journey to Melacca is less than the time. The-long-hours journey was coused my uncle "tumpang" our car to KL to Menara Yayasan Tun Abdul Razak. But we got lost in KL.. *Shameful because stay more than 1 year in KL still get lost in KL.*
-Had our dinner with my second eldest bro's gf 's restaurant (I dont what name ady and dont know where it place). After that watched Angel and Deamon midnight movie at "dont noe" cinema (a.k.a the coldest cinema in Melacca)..Seem like MBO
Second day (29.05.09; Friday)
-Slept until 9am. Rushed to bath in order to get free breakfast which provided by the hotel. Delicious big breakfast set..;)
-Officially started our trip in Melacca. Start from 红屋, Istana Kesultanan Melayu. and then at Dataran Pahlawan.. For girl's nature, rest become shopping..Haha..Shop until 3pm and had half price sushi on belt at Sushi House.
-Had light dinner at Satay Celup. Then went to Jonker street.. Bought so-called-hair-pin cost rm15. It is made from Taiwan. Nice. I like it. At the end, we shopped at there from 8 something until 11:00pm. However, my brother promise to meet his ex-uni friends at 10:30pm. Which mean it was over time d..After that, we had so-called dinner at mamak. (Dont ask me the name of mamak stall..I dont know. Gosh, din remember shop name..)
Third day (30.05.09; Saturday)
-Slept until skip breakfast. Checked out from Aldy Hotel. Had Chicken Rice Ball as lunch at "still dont noe" restaurant (but not 古城鸡饭粒).
-Lot of plan for that day due to many people will join us. That day was last paper of MMU final exam, mean that my brother's gf 's sisters will join us in visiting Melacca as well as my third elder brother.
-Noon: Checked in King's Hotel which in front of Melacca Pantai Hospital. Before that, we went to Melacca Zoo. Amazingly, we saw Chimpanzee smoke. Dont know which wasted people give it cigratte. It can smoke as like as human being from the way to hold the cigratte and blow out the smoke. Dont know next time, I still can see that chimpanzee (Bcoz kena Lung cancer rate increase lor). I also saw quite special monkey like what Quan shao like. Pink butt monkey as well as rainbow color of face and pink nose. *Too bad no photo available. All are at my brother's gf there.*..
-Night: Plan= Take boat to round Sungai Melaka, Jonker street craving for Asam Laksa and Gula Melacca Ice kacang, Menara Taming Sari, Eye On Malaysia, Eye On Melacca.
End up= Took boat to round Sungai Melaka, Jonker Street but we were late, finish ady, Menara Taming Sari. Eye On Malaysia and Eye On Melacca==> Not enough time. =(
Anyway, i felt that Eye On Malaysia in Titiwangsa was much more prettier bcoz Eye On Malaysia in Melacca only display white in color rather than rainbow color.
I like Menara Taming Sari. Good. Excellent..Really enjoy to view whole Melacca city.
I dont have camera with me.So grabbed photo from another blogger.
Last Day (31.05.09; Sunday)
-Initial plan to have breakfast at Mc Donald near Melacca Zoo there. It is claimed as the most delicious Mc.D in Melacca. I dont know how true it is. But in the end, we changed plan due to inconvenient.
-Helped to move house. Bcoz my brother's gf 's sister already graduated.
-Noon: Back in KL.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Totally "meaningful"
Back in Penang last Wednesday.
Addicted to 《痞子英雄》Taiwan Drama. (Which "recommend" by SSDM during Exam week..)Hope to watch 《老婆大人II》。(but My home internet line always disconnect..)
Kinda frustrated with internet connection in my house. Disconnect after 5 or 10 minutes i used.Plan to post some blog after back in Penang but face this-so-called streamyxy internet line, I rather choose to shut my laptop..
Recently become 宅女。(Gosh!! He influence me..>.<)

Addicted to Vice City Computer game...
Challenging and interesting and "Kin Jiong" computer game..
It is also one of mid violent game..
This few days, i fill myself with sea food..haha
Every meal sure got sea food..Normally fishs and prawn..Hohoho..
Eat those fishs and prawns puas puas..haha
P/s: Penang's miss Pahang's (ignore it)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My shopping wish come true
Finally, Saturday (11/4/09) was there..
After Molecular Biology lab test, we headed to Jusco..
Just want to play games at there.
Had lunch at McD due to got promotion yar..rm5 sthg without adding tax.
Sunday (12/04/09), we went out again..(seem like so rich huh?!)
We went to Mid Valley (Ya, it is so far from Setapak)..
Spent 2 hours just for travel to MidValley from Setapak and we didnot take KTM too~.
Took IRT to KL central, then from KL central take rapid KL to Mid Valley.
When at KL central, we met 2 kind uncles. They gave their rapid kl ticket to us. They din resquested us to pay them because they want to rush back to Taiping.. Thanks you anyway~
Having 2 movies perday..
Nice movie. Initially, I dont wish to watch. Because i dont understand the story line when i watched the trailer..But he wish to watch.. Due to dont let him disspointed, i agree to watch it..Luckilly i dont insist my opinion..hehe...
Monday, after class, we headed to Jusco again..
Why leh??
Bought shirt and etc.
The main purpose is eat SALMON TEPPAYAKI..
Promotion again: It is discount 50% for salmon teppayaki during week day ONLY..
Yamm....delicious..Salmon Teppayaki is my favourite..~
Tuesday..announce BROKE..
Stay at home..
but I am sick.
I slept for whole noon..but still headache and feeling want vomit~
At night, i cant stand for headache anymore..
So went to see doctor..
"Gosh", 5 packs of medicine..some more some of them need to consume 4 times per day..haiiz
Hate medicine THE MOST..
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fly Away~
No electricity
Last Saturday (4.4.09), Plaza Prima Setapak, 1 block of Prima Setapak and shops near to Plaza were no electricity..
It was no electricity without NOTICE..
Forget about it~.
It let me bring back my childhood memory.
Still remember that, when i was in stadard 4 or 5, there was no electricity without notice also quite few times..
I did quite many stupid yet funny things at that time..
My brothers and I acted as RESCUE team member. We brought touchlight and few candles walk around house (As ur knowledge, my uncle and aunt, cousins, grandparents and my parents stay under 1 roof)..We went to "rescue" who were "trapped" in the dark such as like trap in toilet or trap in the room with no any light source.
Actually I do like no electricity period. When i was small, only when no electricity, i could play with candle. Pieces is symbolic of ROMANTIC ..Candle light = romantic (haha^^) . I played hand shadow under candle light.. Quite enjoy..Hehehe..
Last saturday, I heard got people sang "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you.." at downstair. I laughed loudly.. Laughed them silly as well as laughed myself.. I did so before.. I lighted up the candle happilly and then sang "Happy birthday to you...."Silly of me always do the silly things..haha..
Night with no electricity is a suffering incident. Sleep with no fan or air-cond..However, I did enjoy it when i was small. The reason is I could sleep with natural fan..Haha...We took out our mattress to balcony and slept. Quite happy because can enjoy camping life..Annoying when mosquitos sang song around my ear and kissed my leg and hand.
Back to age now.. Those things cant be applied at here..No electricity annoy me more.. Sleep with no fan, bath with no light, play computer with no internet...Aiiyahh...>.<
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tired day~
7:00am to Uni and 7:00pm back from Uni..
The reason why i was so early to Uni..
Because 8:30am is Plant Tissue Culture Lab..and requested by our Lecturer Dr. Anna Ling to be punctual for lab..(because lab session need to use 2 hours to complete)..As well as mostly of us late for last practical due to MAY BE Metro bus driver together to REFUSE TO WORK (May Be only..)because there was no METRO BUS available on that time..SO today have to go out early to take Early UTAR bus.
For today experiment, I did improper skill that might be caused contaminant..">.<" (That is not what I want.) ;(
Finish part of Lab session.. Had Animal Tissue Culture at 1pm..All of us look so tired..I am one of them..The reason is even week..For Biotech students, EVEN WEEK is disaster week..3 days continous need to have wake up for lab..Our caring Animal Tissue Culture 's lecturer found us so so so inactive and repressed by repressor..Today only found out the problem..Hehehe..
Then, I had Moral Presentation ..."Gosh!!" We are last group present.."cry.." We started our presentation early then expected..Thanks for cooperation from previous presentation group...

Back to Genting Klang..Had dinner at Bintang Tujuh..Since long time din eat at there..Miss Nasi Goreng Pattaya...Had Nasi Goreng Pattaya, but that is not the taste that i miss for..That is taste-less...Curi-curi makan his Maggie Goreng in order to let my tongue to have more taste...
Got to borrow PSP from Bong.."Gosh", I am addicted in it.
Honestly to tell, I just played for half an hour and i get a bit bored for it..
Dont know why, i read other people blog rather than online play game..
I can online for hours just read people blog, but i cant really play online game for hours..
It might be due to i dont have the patience in playing game..
So sad~~
Saturday, March 7, 2009
1 day trip to 1 UTAMA?!
Just back from Pj..
Ya, is PJ..
Why did i go to PJ??
Hehee..1 day trip to ONE UTAMA (1U).. 1 U..
Why say so??
We three people kena play til we got NO direction..
The reason is:
After finish our Genetics Lecture at 11:00am, We of us (Hee Boon aka Quan Sao, Ren Quan aka ar Pek, and me) straight to Kelana Jaya station by LRT.. "Take us almost 1 hour"
Around 10:30 am, He sms-ed me: "Now opening ceremony. We havnt compete yet..I don't know when we compete wor.."
So..Very luckily, when we reached Kelana Jaya LRT station, we saw Ce-Yan. She offered to take us go 1 utama since she also wanna go there shopping with her sister. (For your information, we want to go for Teakwando GTF tournament at Segi Main Campus College at PJ. So we plan go to 1 Utama or Ikano or The Curve to have teksi to Segi, because more nearer and texi rate also not much also.)
Thus, after few minutes, we reached 1 Utama. We thought we can get there and see they compete..How I know...Before reach entrance of 1 utama, He called me: "I finish competed d.." I was like "huhh, So fast.."ok lor..We only reach 1 way, we will reach there d. So We don't bother it. Asked for teksi to go there.. The result was the teksi rate go to Segi College from 1 Utama is rm11..Ya, is rm11..What the :hell:!! rm 11 wor...I can take it from Pudu to Setapak yar...
We gave up then we walked to old wing to try our luck to get cheaper rate to go there. When we reach bus stop there and sit to wait, something funny happen. Guess what??
We heard "di ta di ta di ta di ta...". I curious and ask what sound it is.
Ren Quan told me: is bird step in the bus stop roof.
I told him: "Where got wor..I din see birds also (Actually the roof is quite translucent d)"..
He replied me: "We cant see..It is already covered..cant see clearly.."
How i Know, i saw the floor got big big dots rain..Arr..Ren Quan..Is raining lar.Is not birds pass by yar..
Our first reason was: Why we so "sui"1 arr..Can't see they compete, high rate teksi somemore Raining..We end up give up..
I phoned him and told him that we will not go there d and asked him came 1 Utama to meet us.. After long long long long long long long long long long discussion (it is really really long.Take about 1 and half hour to discuss and conclude), we plan to have shopping at there.. He asked us dont go there because no teksi there and the transport they have also full d (they go by car). We were like played silly..Cant lar..We need to step step 1 utama for a while..We cant go back like that arr...
So plan go to shopping there until he came to meet us. We had lunch at McD. While eating, a call from Foong Kheng. She asked us how is the tournament..Hehe..We din go there.Since final may have it at noon, we asked Foong Kheng fetch us to Segi College from 1 Utama. She ok with it. How I know..Before Foong Kheng come, he sms-ed me: "we are handing to Kelana Jaya NOW." I was like: "Huh...?? Now..Foong Kheng havnt came yet yar..They all want back yar". Mean that final will hold tomorrow morning.. *dissappoited*..
Very end...We went back also...
Conclusion: We din go or even step to Segi College..>.<
But at least got 1 GOOD NEWS: He won the competition and get into Final..
Final will at tomorrow morning...^^
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The reasons here are:
I lazy to login my blogger account though I read others people blog every day except few days ago and;
Busy with assignments and tests as well as Lab report..
Today something happen Again..
What is the problem??
Urgh...I talked about 1 people while that people just behind me..
I just noticed it until I finished my story..
What story about, I think I' m no need mention here though that people will not read my blog..
Actually same things happen when i was in Industrial Training last year..
Same situation..Just the people i mentioned to is so far and so near from me..I am not sure that fellow hear what i am talking about..
Huu...Tomorrow need to hand up Animal Tissue Culture lab report and Pendidikan Moral Midterm test..
Sunday, February 8, 2009
CNY + Bukit Tabur
-Back from KL at 24th Jan morning and reach hometown Sg Bakap,Penang around 6pm. Direct board to Pacific for buying Chinese New Year necessary thing like Chinese Oranges and etc.
-Cleaning as well when back home.
CNY eve:
-Paid Visit to our Primary School 3-years-form teacher: 江君雪师.
-It was a long time no see since last time class reunion at my house..It was considered class reunion for our primary school ex-classmates.
-As usual like previous year. Ate vegetarian meal in the morning.
-The different was: Gambling in my house. Dad played cheat, so i can earn so much money..after gambling, BBQ..Hohohoohoo..actually due to want to test new BBQ set.
CNY second day:
-Followed mum back her mother house. Ate Steambot and laksa..Hohoho..Finally i can eat laksa. Last sem break, i have not chance to eat laksa when I back (chicken pox pasal). Before went there: Gamble.
-Secondary ex-classmate came and paid visit me. Know much more story from them.
CNY Third day:
-BBQ..Invited many people come..Some of my gang came as well. Continue our story and learn many especially regard boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.
CNY fourth day:
-Half die d..Stay at home and had a rest..
CNY Fifth day:
-Went to buy new luggage @ Parit Buntar.
CNY Sixth day:
-Back in KL. First time drive in South-East Highway. Terrible..Saw so much cars and I dont dare to cut the queue.
-Brought Parents and brother went to StarHill, Pavilion, Times Square and Sungai Wang by Monorial..
CNY Seventh day:
-Back in Setapak..
CNY Eighth day:
-Had shopping and movie @ KLCC
-Saw something "Funny"..Kekekekeke
CNY Nineth -Thirdteenth day:
-Busy with study, assignment and report
-As well busy with First Aid Society event
CNY Fourteenth day:
-Conquered Bukit Tabur. Quite difficult but fun..Hate the pathway down from Mountain.
Meet moutain guides. Guide us use alternative way for those people in-experience. Thanks lot.
Any about Bukit Tabur can be viewed from her blogspot.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Lab Group Photo.
Seem like so late, I post about Insutrial Training post. Hehehe, aiiyah, I am so lazy yar..
27th December 2008, I was officially finish my training at there. 6th October 2008 till 27th December 2008, it was a such long journey for us at first. Still remember, 5 of us ( Huey Paey, Lay Theng, Ping Wey, Chen Jiang and me) play around with take leave stuff. Ya, our company supervisor allow us to take leave with just fill up application form. First day, we said that, 5 of us, 1 person take a day leave and started to decide who want to take Tuesday's leave, Wednesday's leave, Thursday's leave, Friday's leave and Saturday 's leave. End up, we all become good trainee as our internal supersivor told us NOT To Take leave..
Hohoohohhoo..Went 1 week training, take leave 2 weeks..Hehehee..I am the first and took the longest leave trainee among them..Back in training in week 4. USCI trainees came in week 5. One of trainees is my brother's ex-classmate, so easily they mixed with us. From there, we had many many plans for outing.Those successful plans was posted in my previous post d.
Dont know which week, 6 of big gang MSU (Management and Science University) trainees came and had training with us. 3 guys and 3 girls. 2 chinese guys, 1 indian guy and 3 indian girls..Aiiyooh,Indian..!!! Hard to communicate with them yar.. (first thinking when saw them). At last, we mixed with them also..One of reasons is we were boring with routine work there. Chit-chat with them and make noise and laugh with them..Hehhee..They learned Chinese from us while We learned Tamil from them..
We were always play around.Still remember,we asked Su Choo helped to take photo for us. She just took Paey and Winnie first, then i added in. After i added in, she shouted that she also wanna join us to have group photo. We told her, after we took this photo, we will help her to take photo.. Then, we were so BAD. After 3 people group photo, we rushed away to cafeteria since something promotion at there.Hahhaa..she shouted and shouted: "Weei, I havent been taken photo..Wait me wait me.."
Winnie and Huey Paey
After I add in...^^
Monday, January 5, 2009
Outing during training
I post some of my outing photo with trainees from Hospital Lam Wah Ee during 11 weeks or 12 weeks or 10 weeks Industrial training..
1) Gurney watching movie: Magdascar II and had dinner at Hong Kong Restaurant (forget what name )
Kelvin, Winnie Lim PoohPooh From UCSI, Huey Paey and Me. (*Sorry delete ady another 4 ppl group photo)
2) Movie: High School Musical 3 @ Gurney Plaza, Had western food as dinner @ Tanjung Tokong (Dont know the shop name, just know beside 大肥罗shop.)
All girls in car (All red..except Xiao Mei Mei) when we back from movie:
From back left: Lay Theng, Su Choo; Front: Me, Huey Paey, Winnie
Again.. (Biomed, biochem and biotech students from different uni and different batch)
Effect of Self-capture.. All of us.. The most Front Left: Chen Jiang, Kelvin aka Min Han
3)Celebrate Lay Theng and Ping Wey's birthday @ e-Gate's 又一城
All red include guys.
All of us^^
4) Education Fair @ Gurney Hotel + Movie: The Day The Earth Stood Still @ Gurney Plaza
(so-call-last outing with 8 trainees)
Before go Education fair
At Gurney drive with Paey (Penang island's Roomate)
After Education Fair
All of us in Black (Chen Jiang is not in..)
More lighter..
At Gurney Plaza before Movie.
We with Christmas Tree..
All in black.^^
Here are the outing photo....^^