7:00am to Uni and 7:00pm back from Uni..
The reason why i was so early to Uni..
Because 8:30am is Plant Tissue Culture Lab..and requested by our Lecturer Dr. Anna Ling to be punctual for lab..(because lab session need to use 2 hours to complete)..As well as mostly of us late for last practical due to MAY BE Metro bus driver together to REFUSE TO WORK (May Be only..)because there was no METRO BUS available on that time..SO today have to go out early to take Early UTAR bus.
For today experiment, I did improper skill that might be caused contaminant..">.<" (That is not what I want.) ;(
Finish part of Lab session.. Had Animal Tissue Culture at 1pm..All of us look so tired..I am one of them..The reason is even week..For Biotech students, EVEN WEEK is disaster week..3 days continous need to have wake up for lab..Our caring Animal Tissue Culture 's lecturer found us so so so inactive and repressed by repressor..Today only found out the problem..Hehehe..
Then, I had Moral Presentation ..."Gosh!!" We are last group present.."cry.." We started our presentation early then expected..Thanks for cooperation from previous presentation group...
That is people left when we were presentating. The Left side couple is Joanne Hew and her bf and the right side people is our lecturer..

Another picture: The front people is Yee Xin and The behind couple is Joanne Hew and her bf.
*You might see same photo in Tingand Min-Zhin blog. The low quality photos were taken by me . I curi-curi took photo while our presentation still carry on and lecturer was curious for what i am doing...but didnt ask..Those photo were taken from Ting's blog. I lazy to edit the photo~~..Thanks anyway
Since We dont have group photo after presentation..So Here is our group photo was taken for our assignmnet purpose before we hand in our assignment..
We end our presentation at 6:25pm but we waited for 7:00pm UTAR bus..Cant deny, our Genting Klang UTAR bus driver is kinda hardworking and like to be clean..In order to avoid us to distrub him to have cleaning job, he asked us wait at another place..
At last, we are 5 of people ONLy in the bus...
Yong Yong, MOk, me and Min-zhin and Ting as Camera people..
Thanks for driver to switch on light for us to take nice photo also~~
Back to Genting Klang..Had dinner at Bintang Tujuh..Since long time din eat at there..Miss Nasi Goreng Pattaya...Had Nasi Goreng Pattaya, but that is not the taste that i miss for..That is taste-less...Curi-curi makan his Maggie Goreng in order to let my tongue to have more taste...
Got to borrow PSP from Bong.."Gosh", I am addicted in it.
Honestly to tell, I just played for half an hour and i get a bit bored for it..
Dont know why, i read other people blog rather than online play game..
I can online for hours just read people blog, but i cant really play online game for hours..
It might be due to i dont have the patience in playing game..
So sad~~
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