Just as a random post about different between girls and boys. See carefully. I mean GIRLS and BOYS but NOT MAN. * Haha..isi tersurat here..
Last week, I chatted with my best friend who currently studying Accounting in UUM. That was the first time we had long chat in MSN. The long chat between us need to thank to boys especially our special boyfriend. Yaa. both of us complaint about our bf. *Knowing him will not read my blog, so say something bad about him does not a matter..[evil laugh]:D..
By the way, complain about bf is not a big things ba..?!
I found that both of us have quite same concept towards our own bf. (I think not only both of us ya..it is including most of girls who are falling in love yar..).
Her bf tend to join co-curiculum even it is not included in their credit hour since they are year 3 ady. Her bf is member of Askar Wataniah. Thus camping is a thing cant be lacked of and 1 month training before camping is a MUST. Therefore, he need to have hours training everyday. As a result, his result might be influenced. That is what she worry about him and DISLIKE him satisfy his time in co-c rather than study.
Same situation at me here. He like to go to Teakwando training every Tuesday. Last few sem, he went to training every week, in my thought, he was chairman, so that is a responsibility to do so. But now, he resigned his post and still he has a passion go to training every Tuesday, even though some of old committe started to escape from the training. Same worry as my best friend come across. After training and back hime, it is quite late actually plus that time, it is too tired also. So..nothing can be done that time except burn midnight oil..However, tomorrow there is 8 am early MORNING class..
Lesson: Why they like to join co-curiculum so much? For them, co-curiculum can bring them happiness and relax. They also can mix with many friends who have same interest as them. Thus, they can make crazy and joke around.
- Computer games or online games. Haha, some people when he/she see the title, he/she might know what point that i will point it out..Mostly boys they like to play games. Her bf also like to play computer games but not frequent because he knew his gf dont like him to play games. For example, before exam too stress, play games to release tension..
People who is knowing me, they know i also dont like him to play computer games. Really, at first, i hate him do nothing whole day and just play computer games. I am a quite weird girl that dont really like to play computer game. I do play simple computer games like Suduku, Mahjong Titans, FreeCell, Solitaire and etc. Like Stronghold Legands, Travian, WorldCraft and 三国 , i have not idea how to play and got boring about it then quit it. So, i dont really know why they can face the computer whole day just play it.
Lesson: After i asked him many questions regard the computer game, i found that actually from game, they can learn a lot and release tension. I read from newspaper, play online computer game can improve memory because both of our hand is using to play game so both side brain rather than 1 side brain is also worked at the same time.
So.. Activity and computer games are the boys' favourite that is different with girls. That is not truth for all of the boys and girls. Some girl, they like play game as well; while some boy, they dont like play game. But in my friend and my cases, our bf favourite is not same as us.
So what can we do?
[NO WAY ask either 1 change the habits. Only negotiation and understanding each other can overcome the madness and hatred. ]
Lastly, let me present u L4D. That is L4D (Left 4 Dead) which make those guys highly addicted.